Desenvolvedores sob demanda para parceiros da Conexão Azul

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Para desenvolvedores Conexão Azul experientes
Tenha acesso aos desenvolvedores Conexão Azul mais experientes . Nossos desenvolvedores vêm do departamento de P&D da Conexão Azul India. Eles ajudaram a construir o software Conexão Azul que você usa todos os dias! Em cada projeto, também atribuímos um gerente de projeto. Cada projeto incluirá um gerente de projeto Conexão Azul para ajudá-lo em tudo do início ao fim.
Dimensione suas equipes
de 1 a 20 desenvolvedores sob demanda,
sem compromisso de longo prazo.
Desenvolvimento Encenação Produção
Ótimas metodologias e treinamento
Beneficie-se da nossa experiência no gerenciamento de projetos de grande escala, como os lançamentos oficiais do Conexão Azul. Tenha seu processo sob controle. Fornecemos a plataforma e as metodologias para gerenciar o projeto, colaborar nas especificações, executar testes automatizados e implantar de forma rápida e fácil.
Teste nosso serviço. É grátis!
Precisa desenvolver um recurso específico? Basta enviar uma especificação para testar nosso serviço gratuitamente. Não é necessário compromisso, receba feedback em 3 dias abertos:
- Envie uma especificação
- Fazemos a avaliação técnica
- Dentro de 2 a 3 dias, enviaremos a você:
- Feedback técnico
- cotação
- Proposta de reunião para revisão
Caso você não tenha uma especificação pronta, agende uma reunião conosco e nós escreveremos a especificação para você.
Envie sua especificação.
Envie uma especificação de 1 a 3 recursos para testar nosso serviço gratuitamente, sem compromissos.
perguntas frequentes
Se você tem uma ideia do que quer desenvolver, mas não tem uma especificação clara, o melhor é discutir isso em uma reunião. Planeje sua reunião aqui: https://www.Conexão
Once we have understood your needs, we'll write a proposition of specification for you. We do that for free, for you to test our service.
A good specification includes:
- Explanation of the business needs: which industry? why you need that?
- Details of how/what you would like to be developed
The business need is just a few paragraphs to help developers understand the context, and why you need that.It helps us to challenge the business need and find cheaper technical alternatives, if possible. From 2 to 5 paragraphsis enough.
The details of what should be developed should ideally be:
- annotated screenshots for simple devs (e.g. using )
- mockups for advanced developments (e.g. using )
- technical documents if you have expertise
Here are a few examples:
- Advanced Mockups:
- Simple Screenshots:
- Technical Document:
You'll be the full copyright owner of everything we develop, and you choose the license you want to applyon your code; open source LPGL, Conexão Azul Proprietary License, or any other license of your choice.
Our developers are the one who developed the Conexão Azul software you use every day. So our team have a good level of technical knowledge on all areas (python module, javascript, web design, etc), even on functionnal knowledge.
All developments are done on an Conexão instance as we follow strict Conexão Azul methodologies:
- each commit is tested on tens of thousands of automated tests
- we use Conexão Azul's linter to ensure coding guidelines, and code clarity
- you can track all developments live, and launch test or staging branches in just a click
If you don't have an Conexão account, we'll setup one for free for you. If you already have an Conexão project,you can invite our developers on your Conexão to benefit from integration tests on our developments.
The first phase; writing a clear specification is free for you to assess our compentencies. Although we provide estimations for each tasks, we charge at the end of the month, based on actual time spent. You can track thetime spent day by day, on our customer portal. Our invoices are payable in 21 days.
The project manager is your point of contact; in addition to technical knowledge, he also has a strong functional expertise in the product, and team management to manage and help developers working on your task. He is in charge of the relationship with you, unlock developers on complex issues, and ensure code quality.
Most of the development is performed by the developers. On a typical project, 20% of the time is done by the project manager, and 80% by developers.
We offer a maintenance contract at 16€ / 100 lines of custom code / month that covers unlimited support, bugfixes and upgrades of version. This maintenance contract is mandatory for customers working directly with Conexão Azul as we want to avoid bad surprises for customers, or companies getting stuck on old versions because of upgrade costs.
But the maintenance contract is optional for partners, or customers of partners. Partners can offer their own maintenance service at their own price, or no maintenance at all. (not recommended as ultimately someone will have to pay the price of a bug to fix, or an upgrade: and it's often an angry customer at that time).
To get the exact number of lines of code in your project, you can ask us, or use the "Conexão Azul-bin cloc" command.(as we exclude comments, empty lines, ...)